Lora Lossy

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Angela Johny

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Mark Clerk

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Alex Damn

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Our Blog

Simple Living

Is there a way to simplify life?

It's been some time since i got myself struck by a tragedy to which i myself could be blamed of, partly due to my stupidity, but at most, because i made the choice.

The journey of life is best done in a company of somebody. The choice is either we are going to travel with somebody or allow somebody to join us as we traverse this one time journey. In most cases, we wish to have somebody accompany us in our journey. We set ideals for which we base our judgement as to whether someone could pass as our companion.

The process of making this choice is done much easier when there are limited options for us to choose. We can discard those we find unfavorable, and choose to keep those we deemed worthy.

What if the one we choose decides to leave along the way, are we going to turn back and get someone else to fill the vacated spot or we are going to trudge along and continue?

It's here that i made a realization, life is neither 'I want this' nor 'I want that' but rather 'Be like this so you can be that'. Instead of waiting for others to come and join you, why not reach out and join others as they go along? Instead of waiting for somebody to travel with us, what if we travel with somebody else? Is this hard to do?

We keep on relying to other people. We depend on others over something. That's why it's complicated. That's why it's difficult. So why not simplify it?

We are all capable of making ourselves happy but happiness is much sweeter when someone else gives it to us. We are at most, the receiver. Why not be the giver of happiness? There are only a few percentage of your clan because the rest are out there, looking for someone to give them what's making them happy. We become sad when we're left out and we forgot that we can also join others.

We spend most of our time waiting and looking for someone else that we forgot we are someone else to somebody just waiting to be given an undivided attention.

If you care to look around, you might find somebody you are looking for but at a high percentage, you will find somebody willing to let u come into their life because they were looking for you.

So if you do not have someone special, why not make yourself a special someone to somebody? Of course, this is not easy, but when you do try doing this, there will be no regrets. Happiness will be boundless and the of every passing moment will be carved into the storage of one's emotions.

Don't wait for your someone special, just be a special someone for somebody. Life is simpler this way. So go ahead, Live life. Make your living the way you wanted it and find something good in somebody. For all you know, it's been a lifetime waiting for a moment like this.


Poil said...

hmm... sounds interesting doms... This is something new, maybe i'll try your theory some time.

Dominic said...

@poil, you should...there is so much pleasure when you touch other peoples lives...


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Johny Lora

4th one time fitness expert, wellness writer, personal trainer, group ex health coach. I am advocates of everything good in the fitness industry and of the people who make it great!

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